Why pop-up camera failed?

Anand Ruparelia
3 min readAug 27, 2020


Source: Techradar

“Pop-up camera has not been a successful legacy. In fact, many smartphone vendors either ditched it or not at all welcomed it into their smartphones”

The first smartphone with a pop-up camera was introduced by Vivo, Vivo Nex (launched in 2018) became a talk of the town due to its futuristic camera style!

And then, started the chain reaction of smartphone manufacturers introducing pop-up camera in their latest smartphone models. Redmi, Oppo, Asus, Realme, Samsung and OnePlus also joined the race to give pop-up camera in their flagship model OnePlus 7 Pro!

But if you see out in the market today, you will find the pop-up camera trend fading slowly and is almost considered as dead! Why?

But before that, let us know why pop-up camera was a sudden buzz thing?

A) It gave more space to screen, as there was no camera around the display, it saved space and helped in designing a bezel-less (full-screen display) smartphone that enhanced the viewing experience!

B) It allowed the smartphone manufacturers to bundle good quality glass and lens for the selfie camera which directly improved the resolution of the same!

C) COME ON! Don’t you look cool dude if you use a smartphone that magically pops out camera on a touch?

Yeah! So the WOW factor also contributed to pop-up camera ‘s buzz!

FYI: Smartphones that came with pop-up camera had a limitation of that mechanical pop-in and pop-out. Say, OnePlus 7 Pro came with a life of 3,00,000 pop in and out cycles.

But apart from all the buzz it failed to sustain! WHY?

  1. Because the mechanical thing literally took quite a chunk of space inside (As seen below) and manufacturers are always finding ways to cut down the space inside to accumulate more (maybe bigger battery)

2. It dissipates heat (Just alike, when someone gives you a tight slap, heat is generated on your cheek) and this heat dissipation consumes battery which would be a bad sign!

3. It also made the smartphone thick, and due to that it cannot stand with you through the thick and thins of your life! (Poor joke I guess!)

And yeah there are other issues also such as water and dust getting inside it, and the most important reason being, it was costly!

And anything that pops up holes in the pocket isn’t a good thing for everyone!

References: Android Authority, Android Police, Techradar

